Thursday, October 15, 2009

What's up North Cal

Arcata CA - The good & not so good.

1. You are right by the ocean and a very magnificent forest. - good
You having these two things sends a message to young adults that it's ok to smell like wookie piss and not wash themselves. - not good

2. Everyone from a distance looks friendly enough and laid back. Which is cool I guess. -good
Maybe your "LAX" attitude makes people feel a little to at home no matter where they are at. Example, " hey, my car hood is not your
couch"..." nah bro what's yours is mine and what's mine is yours"......... Really because I was totally looking for my patch quilt pants, rusted root cd, and my canning jar filled with some sort of liquid with floaters the size of milk duds. Milk duds, yes milk duds. Oh you don't eat candy. Okay bye.

5. I gotta quit this one. Reno is next. Watch out Nevada.

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